Over 3400 Perl Modules
Find out how the Perl programming language can be transformed and upgraded by using Perl modules.
Perl is a very popular web-oriented programming language, which is designed to generate CGI scripts and also various applications. It's very useful because you do not have to create the very same program code time and time again so as to have some process executed a couple of times, but you'll be able to employ modules. They are pre-defined subroutines or sets of operations that can be called and executed within a script. This means that, you can include only a reference to a specific module within your program code instead of using the entire module code over and over again. In this way, your script will be shorter, which means that it will be executed faster, not mentioning that it'll be much simpler to maintain and / or modify. In case you want to take advantage of a third-party ready-made Perl script rather than writing your own, it'll probably need certain modules to be pre-installed on the hosting server.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Hosting
Over 3400 Perl modules are readily available if you acquire any of our
hosting packages. You can use as many as you need and we've made sure that we've got all of the well-known ones, as well as numerous others which may not be used that much, but might be a prerequisite for a third-party web application that you would like to use or for a custom-made script to work effectively. LWP, URI, GD, CGI::Session and Image::Magick are only a few instances of the modules you will be able to access. You're able to find the whole list in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel as well as the path that you have to set in your scripts, so they can use our module library. With our shared plans, you'll be able to work with any kind of Perl-based script without limitations.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you wish to employ a Perl-based web application or CGI script, you will be able to use 3400+ different modules that are available on our cloud hosting platform and are a part of each
semi-dedicated server that we provide. You will be able to see the entire list at any moment through your Hepsia Control Panel together with the folder path necessary for your scripts to access the modules. We acknowledge the fact that some third-party apps could need modules which aren't very popular to work correctly, hence the large selection we have installed on our end. URI, LWP, DBD::mysql and Image::Magick are amongst the modules that you will be able to use with your Perl apps regardless of the package you select.